The Noragami Anime series is based on Japanese manga Noragami Aragoto by Adachitoka, the manga was initially published in Japan in 2011. The first season of the anime series came in January 2014 and had a total of 12 episodes. The second season of Noragami Aragoto was premiered in October 2015 and had a total of 13 episodes. Season 2 ended with a cliffhanger and still has so many questions to answer. Viewers assumed that they might get to see Noragami Season 3 in 2016 well, we to wait a little more of the third season.
At present, the manga of the anime series has a total of 74 chapters and reportedly only first 38 chapters were used for the story of season 1 and 2. So, this means two more seasons could be created using rest of the chapters.
It has been speculated that plot of the third season will revolve around Father, and probably Yato’s dark past will be fully revealed. Viewers want to know who was the random man who kissed Hiyoru, Noragami Season 3 spoilers reveal that he was none other that Yato’s father in disguise. It will be interesting to see the relationship between Yato and his Father.
On The Other Hand, Yato wants to be the king of gods and now Bishamon has finally forgiven him for killing his first family. And Yato is working on acquiring allies, in Noragami Season 3 Yato will be facing his previous regalia, Nora. It is expected that she will be seeking revenge as Yato made the decision to let her go, this might turn her into Yato’s next enemy as she has a twisted sense of morality and we may see a terrifying side of her. Although, these are just rumors which were heard from various sources.
Season 3 Release Date:
At Present, Noragami Season 3 is still in production and there's a lot material in Manga which will be perfect for a new season. Many Rumours are being heard that season 3 will be release in Spring of 2018.